Plastic clogging the planet

Editor, In our continuing effort to make Eureka Springs become a shining example of a compassionate, kind and ecological small town, I suggest we do...

Call it what it is

Editor, The Nazis didn’t call themselves fascists or anti Semitic, they didn’t call themselves murderers. They called themselves patriots. They wanted to make Germany great...

Breaking ties with the Internet

Well, it done happened again – we broke the Internet. Before we got done griping about the heat wave, a thunder-boomer hit our place...

Climate Crimes

Climate crimes are so common they go undetected and unpunished. A recent book, Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival, dares to...

Yes, we can

Editor, I am practicing thankfulness. I loved the rain. My hairdresser and I did a rain dance. We should have danced longer. We saw the Grapes...

The waiting room

I dread going to the dentist, so I stopped at the library to get a book for the waiting room. When I arrived at...

The Sun sets in Arkadelphia

Deforestation is the second leading cause of climate change after burning fossil fuels, corporate responsibility for zero deforestation is key. – United Nations Food...

Stop pesticide spraying

Editor, Because of the spraying of pesticides on the side of roads our beautiful planet is not so beautiful anymore. My friends and I agree...

Reusable bags as advertising

Editor, Anyone that lives in Eureka Springs loves nature and wants to make the world a better place by improving our environment. Removing plastic bags from...

Good manners should prevail

Editor, The almost endless, angry braying of opinion submissions to the editor concerning President Trump is quite entertaining. The level of hysteria is as informative...