Then was Then

Eureka Springs Brotherhood Co-op The Eureka Springs Co-op was in the old Cook and Border building, previously an auto repair shop on First Street, owned by...

American Insights

The Radical Faith   Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox on April 9, 1865, they knew, was not the end but the beginning of a new...

American Insights

| The Radical Faith Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox on April 9, 1865, they knew, was not the end but the beginning of a...

Protect the water

Thankfully I was not a resident when the water resources of Carroll County were damaged a few years ago. Now, again, there is potential...

From one 80-year-old to another

Dear Mr. President, You and I are both lifelong Democrats and both 80-years-old. I would like to point out our differences. You are devoid of...

The town not built on noise

David Avanzino’s quote in the Democrat-Gazette when addressing having a gun store in Eureka was, “Eureka Springs has long been a haven for...

Where’s the fairness?

BB&B says it is a charity-based ride, and while helping veterans is always good, it seems like if one’s entire town is going to...

Memories of the parade

Was gonna keep my mouth shut until I saw Gwen Bennett’s letter . I quit work two years ago to take care of my wife,...

On Team Nicky

Editor, Thank you Eureka Springs Independent and anyone else involved in bringing the words and photos of Nicky Boyette into our homes! I love his...

Gratitude for a great show

Editor, What a wet and wild Diversity weekend we had. The Queen of Dance, Kristine W, was the headliner who with jazz artist, Mychael Pollard...