Caring for the poor

If a poor family in Arkansas falls on hard times, and no one is around to care, did it really happen? This is a disturbing...

Primroses grow where we know they can’t

Editor, In an increasingly chaotic world, we have to take every opportunity to appreciate the wonders around us. This time of year brings just that...

We are the world

Editor, Last week’s “Show the world we are sane” should have been “Show the world we are the same.” I love our community and consider...


Digital Communication

Another Opinion

Certain words get under my skin. I am tired of hearing Americans referred to as consumers, as though the money we spend on food,...

FOIA response

Editor, Recently when I was contacted by the press regarding FOIAs. I was asked six specific questions: I wanted to make a couple of things...

Independent Editorial: Don’t say ‘Whoa’ in a bad place

He’s bound to be nervous, like a pacing lion. This is new to him and he never seemed to really want the job. He...

Independent Guestatorial: Enter… the New Dark Ages?

During the decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire the world entered what is known as the Dark Ages. An age of intellectual...

Humanitarianism runs deep

Editor, Recent articles by Becky Gillette on locals helping Syrian refugees in Greece, and another on a diplomat working with U.S. AID with people struggling...

