First aid for the economy

Honesty and integrity are needed to heal the economy Last Friday, Trump tweeted, “Without the horror show that is the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats,...

Misogyny is so yesterday

Editor, Last week your intrepid reporter Becky Gillette asked local women why they were for Hillary. I would like to add another 2 cents. While...

Random act of kindness

Editor, After visiting your fine village, I was on my way home and had a flat tire. My roadside assistance wouldn’t help me and I couldn’t...

Wars are not the solution to the climate emergency

We are running out of time, trying to solve the wrong problems Trade wars, currency wars, and military wars continue making the headlines, ignoring the...

Avoiding war and warming beyond 2°C

Thinking about climate from a different point of view The climate story has evolved from a clear warning more than 30 years ago to a...

Deep in Mill Hollow

My spouse, Trella Laughlin, finally entered the list of octogenarians tiptoeing toward the next possible landmark, one year at a time. Her February 21st...



Going viral

Many years ago, when the internet was new, we watched a dumb tell-a-vision movie about a computer virus that mutated into a disease virus,...

Follow the yuan

Editor, Recently, Hillary Ramrod Clinton told the Kentucky folks she would provide $30 billion to offset the coal industry losses. Bill Clinton sold the Long Beach...

Yet More Joy

Editor, While surely we all applaud the refreshed efforts at the restoration of the Joy Motel, I feel it necessary to address what I see...