First aid for the economy

Honesty and integrity are needed to heal the economy Last Friday, Trump tweeted, “Without the horror show that is the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats,...

Silver Tea sets donation record

Editor, On behalf of St. James Episcopal Church, I thank our community for the overwhelming support received during this year’s Silver Tea. Your generous donations...

The season of giving is giving even more

Editor, The Nine Lessons, featuring the singing talents of the Celebration Choir of Eureka Springs and Berryville Schools’ Encore Choir, was presented this past Sunday...

On the record

Editor, As a patient of Dr. Christopher Baranyk, concerns about continuing with his care were addressed when I learned each person must go to the...

Time’s up

An open letter to Senators Boozman, Cotton and Congressman Womack, Are you a Russian or an American? You cannot serve two masters and must choose;...

Vote 45 out or be voted out

To my representatives, My wife and I want to know if your President’s actions are not impeachable, what is? Is getting your way on so...

Beyond fracking

While the world burns Trump declares energy independence The 2019 United Nations Emissions Gap Report confirms what everyone knows. We continue burning fuels and plan...

And thank you that we’re not all the same

We had a fine Thanksgiving weekend, thanks for asking. Thursday was just family, but our Saturday tradition brings a houseful of friends to conversate,...

Is ED an asset for a town known for healing?

Editor, I am not completely opposed to a temporary District for events. A permanent one, absolutely not.   Does the city have the finances to...

One flag is vital to unity

Editor, To the citizens of Eureka Springs and the Cemetery Board commissioners – I place before you something to ponder.   For over 20 years I have...