Keep the ACA

Dear members of state and federal government (AR Sen. Boozman, Rep. Womack, Sen. King, Rep. Ballinger and U.S. Sen. Paul Ryan), I am writing this...

Another Opinion

History, yes; Honor, no NWA has long acquiesced to the presence of un-contextualized confederate states of america (csa) honorifics. The csa, based solely on the...

The high cost of corruption

Editor, If you were up early Monday morning, around 2 a.m., you could watch two corrupt leaders cheer each other with 110,000 other cheerers to...

Independent Guestatorial: Lean energy: Better thinking for better results

“Money money money money, money For the love of money People will steal from their mother For the love of money People will rob their own brother Money money...

Wars are not the solution to the climate emergency

We are running out of time, trying to solve the wrong problems Trade wars, currency wars, and military wars continue making the headlines, ignoring the...

How to put out a fire

The Democratic primary is suddenly booming frontpage news. The new question is not, “Will the real ant-Trump please stand up?” but, “How do we...

Our senators not working for us

Editor,     I am now 80 years old, older than dirt. Now, I love dirt since I am a happy tree-hugger and appreciate the...

The Last Supper

Editor, The Lady of Liberty sits in the middle of the long table surrounded by her most devoted Republican apostles: Paul Ryan, Steve Bannon, Steve...

Job responsibility comes up short

Editor, Welcome to the new era of politics in Carroll County. The recent meeting brought in many new faces and names to Carroll County Democratic...

A different way to look at hoarding

Editor, Until the recent election I would have said I was bullet proof when it came to politics – that nothing could surprise or further...