Reflections from an April fool
S. Eliot’s long depressing poem “The Waste Land” opens with the line, “April is the cruelest month,” supposedly juxtaposing the advent of springtime with...
Strength in Unity
This is not a time to be fearful. It is a time to be smart and informed, so I want to tell the public what Eureka...
The demise of the American myth
“To the ordinary guy, all this is a bunch of gobbledygook. But out of the gobbledygook comes a very clear thing: you can’t trust...
Cooking with coronavirus!
I imagine it as a tell-a-vision show, with a celebrity host like Julia Child or Emeril Lagasse. How to dig in your freezer and...
Every minute, every hour
Let’s add to our gratitude list... people who we forget are also on the front line along with medical, fire, emergency, police. Those would...
Common cents
Since January, Trump has known a deadly virus was loose on the world. He did nothing but accuse Democrats of creating a hoax, calling...
Smoke takes your breath away
The COVID-19 is deadly for people with chronic respiratory problems
When we are healthy, we breathe all the time and we hardly notice it. But...
Going viral
Many years ago, when the internet was new, we watched a dumb tell-a-vision movie about a computer virus that mutated into a disease virus,...
When it gets too hot
On Sunday, March 15, the Ides of March Peachtree Assisted Living went on lockdown. The move was to address the onset of the coronavirus...