Independent Guestatorial: Honest Behavior

“Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat...

Getting on the gravy boat

We admire those who find things to be thankful for, especially since they seem to do it on a daily basis and not just...

Editorial was naive

Editor, Mary Pat Boian: Your Independent editorial for the June 15 issue is naive in the extreme. Nothing to fear in a gay nightclub?  “A sports bar is...

Another Opinion

Two Many Rainbows In a town renowned for being an arts community, with such a long and wonderful tradition of public art, expectations are anticipated...

Listen to the forests

It is a good idea to take care of nature We’ve been given a beautiful planet on which to live, is an idea shared by...

Talking Rock

It is kind of special, watching them, one after another on TV news, falling gracefully from their pedestals to meet with either mother-earth or,...

Homeless need provisions

Editor, My spouse and I bake cornbread every Friday for the Cup of Love on Hwy. 62 East. They offer free soup, clothes and a...

Commuting could be easier

Editor, The Infrastructure Bill is now law and Northwest Arkansas could use some of those funds to build a public transportation system. Should the Build...

ARs not for everybody

Editor, Well, it’s happened again. Columbine, Sandy Hook and now Parkland. When will this end? It won’t! We, the people, are tired of the excuses, platitudes...

Caring for the earth

Enhanced soil, healthier food, and better climate Sometimes the best solutions are hiding right under your feet. The use of a type of charcoal made...