Even humans are part of nature

Both Taos, New Mexico and Eureka Springs, Arkansas, are famously noted in US News and World Report, and other curated lists, as being go-to...

Independent Guestatorial: It makes a village

 The Good Shepherd Humane Society (GSHS) is a non-profit corporation in Eureka Springs that’s more than 40 years old. During that time there have...



Thinking and thanking

Editor, I find it a daily grind to believe in American democracy when “The President” appoints proud homophobes to cabinet positions, Alabama Republicons refuse to...

Talking Rock

It is kind of special, watching them, one after another on TV news, falling gracefully from their pedestals to meet with either mother-earth or,...

Clinic conduct questioned

Editor, The Washington Regional Clinic on Passion Play Rd. had chosen to employ unvaccinated staff, thereby endangering those us us who have recently gone there...

Climate Crisis

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. – Thomas Paine Thomas Paine, an American political...

Council decision regrettable

Editor, Concerning the Independent’s article, “New B&Bs on suspension” (June 29), I lament the Eureka Springs City Council’s lack of basic fairness in banning future...

Carbon offsets not carbon emissions

China wants 500 truckloads of Arkansas trees per day, the Ouachita River, our public health, and our country roads. Sun Bio (sunpapergroup.com) sent an air...

Back from the future

When asked what time period the word “again” in his “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan referred to, candidate Donald J. Trump said, “I...