American Insights

The Great Demand The train carrying the president-elect sped into Union Station at 3:45 p.m. To Woodrow Wilson’s surprise, few people had gathered to welcome...

Why is the City of Holiday Island not focusing on vital aspects of citizen...

There have been several local news articles reporting that businesses have not obtained a Holiday Island business license. Mayor Kees was quoted saying, “Step...

American Insights

Lessons of 1856 History is, at its root, a grand painting of human nature in all its ugly colors and forms, a Greek tragedy that...

More to the story?

Eureka Springs is a small town with a well-entrenched political machine. Any qualified code enforcer who takes a job here is playing Russian roulette...

Ordinance compliance

 Resident Linda McBride is quoted saying that the parking Ord. 2332 was being “sabotaged” by the owners of the Bridgeford House Bed and...

Road plans requested

County Judge David Writer, am I correct that you have stated many times that if you do not sign an RUA with Scout,...

American Insights

The Meaning of the Declaration The rain was falling with misty, unrelenting force as President Calvin Coolidge rose to deliver the greatest speech of his...

No to gun parades

I find Mr. Grubb’s latest idea confusing, that after his second request to open a gun store and having it turned down, he is...

Taking care of children

As Trumpian conservatives worry for the rights of the unborn child, perhaps we should be worrying more about infant mortality and its catastrophic effect. So called...

Filthy lucre

My name is Julie Morton and I have been consulting with the opposition to the devastating Scout/ Nimbus industrial wind installation near Green Forest. ...