Another Opinion

The wizards representing the mediacrazy believe I should be a firm Trumpkin: I am 65 years old, live in a rural county in the...

Bulk carbon emissions

Zero-emission microgrids are the key to our future On May 1, Executive Order 13920, Securing the U. S. Bulk-Power System says, “I find foreign adversaries...

The magic on Nicky

Editor, I read The Dirt on Nicky (Nicky Boyette’s) article. Look what I found! I loved the writing, the article, the history, the ideas and the...

Scars are not healed

Editor, The article describing the roadside mechanized practices of tree trimming reminds me of having surgery with a buzzsaw and without sutures or wound care. It...

Forever mothers

Editor, Last Saturday I must have noticed on TV and radio at least five sales pitches using Mother’s Day to sell something. Late in the...

Change is good

Editor, Remember the lyrics “Food, glorious food, that’s what we live for?” But we don’t want anyone to die for it… or do we? Americans love...

No money for fossil fuels

No fracking, methane emissions, cracking, or plastic pollution On April 22, a tweet from our #FakePresident revealed the reason he wants control of the $3...

Another Opinion

Iris is the Greek word for rainbow, and in Greek mythology, she was goddess of the rainbow and messenger for Zeus and Hera. Presumably...

Be cautious

Editor, Trump, some Republican governors, anxious capitalists, and people who refuse to wear masks or social distance or take Covid-19 seriously in Arkansas are advocating...

The GOP power grab

Once again, the people get the short end of the stick The $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act rushed by Congress last...