Diamond’s perverse pipeline

We can harness free sunlight and wind energy or we can continue wrecking the planet … but we are running out of time! California produced...

Valero Pipeline – What you see isn’t what you get

If you own half a pig, it’s your pig Diamond’s petition says, “Diamond Pipeline LLC, a joint venture between Plains All American (PAA) Pipeline and...

Including those affected

Editor, Imagine how many more booths and how festive the Christmas Night Market would have been if local merchants, artisans, craftspeople and entertainers would have...

Keeping neighborhoods residential

Editor, The Planning Commission will soon be considering whether to end or continue one of several moratoriums on new Bed and Breakfast businesses in neighborhoods. For...

Parking lot fundraiser

Editor, Thank you Cornerstone Parking Lot Project for allowing the Eureka Springs Cemetery Commission to monitor the parking fees this past Sunday. The commission of Bob...

Feelings on respect

Editor, I am a member/Sgt. at Arms of the Walker-Wilson American Legion Post #9 of Eureka Springs. On Saturday, June 16, we re-dedicated the American...

Woman thanking women

Editor, The Domestic Violence Resource & Support Center of Carroll County has been wonderfully blessed! We wish to offer thanks to Teresa Pelliccio De Vito...

Diamond Demise

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that, despite adherence to safety guidelines and regulations, oil spills still do occur. – Judge Jennifer Walker...

Independent Guestatorial: Oil pipeline ecocide

Ecocide is the destruction of ecosystems, a crime against nature. Coral reefs are one of Earth’s most wonderful ecosystems, with brilliant colors and a variety...

Another Opinion

4th of July should be known as Interdependence Day. Remember Ben Franklin’s prophecy upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence: “We should all...