Thoughts from Troy

A member of Mayor Berry’s Recovery Task Force was quoted last week saying it’s “typical Eureka to prioritize public health over money, and that’s why...

Heat domes kill

“It’s All Hunky-Dory, but...” CSAS Last Monday, James Hansen and Makiko Sato with the “Climate Science, Awareness, and Solutions (CSAS), Earth Institute, Columbia University” sent...

To the Eureka Springs School District

Editor, Concerning the provided District Learning Model for the 2020/2021 school year, I believe that as our children’s educators, it would be wise to provide...

Wear it out

Editor, Margaret Atwood said, “Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.” I was told Rogers made wearing masks mandatory. I...

All health needs to be addressed

Editor, I cannot believe there are no professional people, mainly doctors, who have not called out the president’s behavior during the coronavirus. If these people...

Utilities solve the wrong problem

Life is not fair, and it can get worse! After the Dec. 5, 2019, Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC) public hearing on net energy metering...

Another Opinion

4th of July should be known as Interdependence Day. Remember Ben Franklin’s prophecy upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence: “We should all...


Don’t know who first said, “Wherever you is, that’s where you’re at.” The middle of nowhere is a lovely somewhere, and like everywhere we...



Healthy soil for a healthy climate

Skip coal, natural gas, urea, and ammonia If it has worms, a hearty smell, dark color, and a lumpy chocolate cake consistency you may have...