Sonic configuration would cost more than money

Editor, On Sept. 8, the Planning Commission turned down plans for a Sonic at the corner of 62W & 23S. The Arkansas Department of Transportation...

Tree stewardship

Editor, I am pleased to hear that the Planning Commission is looking at the way they issue tree cut permits. It’s been distressing lately to...

Polluters getting breaks

Editor, Successful polluters know slow and steady degradation will often go unnoticed until real damage becomes impossible to ignore. So when our country’s National Environmental...

Our senators not working for us

Editor,     I am now 80 years old, older than dirt. Now, I love dirt since I am a happy tree-hugger and appreciate the...

County zoning is at the heart of it

In 2019, a group attended a quorum court meeting to complain about a proposed quarry on Rockhouse Road. The usual suspects complained about traffic,...




How good are we at restoring Nature? Regeneration is a process of restoring rivers, grasslands, forests, or other ecosystems to its highest potential. Let’s look...

About aging

Editor, I have another birthday approaching fast and I’m too old to outrun it. The good news is that I have finally become a fully...

Independent Editorial – Taking what’s offered

Years ago, on a cold winter afternoon in the mid-1960s, a young boy was walking home from school in Seligman, Mo., right up the...

We are the world

Editor, Last week’s “Show the world we are sane” should have been “Show the world we are the same.” I love our community and consider...