Power of the politician.
I’ve asked people why don’t you go downtown Eureka Springs to eat, because of the tax, why don’t you go to downtown Eureka Springs...
Feeding families is first-rate
Boy Scout Troop 67 begins the annual Scouting for Food Drive this weekend by placing bags on the front doors of residences in the...
Support our industry
When I was asked to sign the petition about having a “conversation” concerning the CAPC I couldn’t because I live 1/10 mile outside city...
Choosing a Medicare Plan: A Doctor’s Perspective
It’s time again when millions of patients across the country are deciding which insurance plan to choose for the upcoming year. For those 65...
Vote or not
I am dumbfounded that folks with a sense of decency and family values would choose a convicted sexual predator as the leader of their...
American Insights
Ask Not
A bitter snowstorm dropped six inches of snow on America’s capital city the day before Inauguration Day. “Many of the pre-inaugural social affairs...
Yes, who will pick up the phone?
I’ve probably written and rewritten this opinion piece three or four times. How to put all my thoughts on Issue 3, which abolishes the...
Another Opinion
Efficiency leads to effectiveness
When the petition to call a vote on repealing the City Advertising and Promotion tax was circulated, it was said the...
Restructure money dispersal
Regardless of how Eureka votes to either keep the CAPC tax or to discontinue it we still need to support our tourist industry. We...
American Insights
Truman’s Lasting Lessons
Writing in 1924 on the similarities between the Know Nothing and Ku Klux Klan movements, historian William Starr Myers observed that American...