Taking care of each other

Editor, Thank you so much to the entire Independent staff for posting the article on the Matt Davis Family Relief Fund. Throughout this ordeal I’ve...

Times, they are a changin’

Editor, I wish to correct this gentleman. He refers to the outdated, homophobic classification of homosexuality by the American Psychiatric Association as “a mental disorder.”...

What on Earth happened

Saudis lead fossil states to block 1.5°C report and declare island states a disposable global zone Last week, at the conclusion of the Bonn June...

Health management company has troubled history

Recently the Eureka Springs City Council voted unanimously to encourage the Eureka Springs Hospital Commission to investigate a proposal by Allegiance Health Management (AHM)...

Land grab could burn investors

Promoters of syndicated conservation easements tout them as being a great deal for investors and preservation. Promoters purchase a piece of property, do an...

An Explanation

Red Scare II Joe McCarthy must be laughing out loud in his little corner of Hell, watching as Democrats and liberals (libtards) are scorned as...



Staying informed

Editor, My husband and I love our Holiday Island house and have many close friends here. When the subject of incorporation came up, we researched...

Need for the tax

Editor, Once upon a time in a small town, lost in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, there was a sewer plant that was in constant...

Yet More Joy

Editor, While surely we all applaud the refreshed efforts at the restoration of the Joy Motel, I feel it necessary to address what I see...