Unanswered questions

Editor, Last week, a Meet the Candidates forum was held on private property. We listened to presentations that all seemed centered on “affordable housing.”  When the program...

Parking lot fundraiser

Editor, Thank you Cornerstone Parking Lot Project for allowing the Eureka Springs Cemetery Commission to monitor the parking fees this past Sunday. The commission of Bob...



Independent Guestatorial – The Gatekeeper

“In a democracy, people get the leaders they deserve.” – Abraham Lincoln Dr. Luis Contreras - On April 12, 2016, life in Crossett, Ark., made...

Good for everybody would be good

Editor, I’m a dreamer. Imagine a town built around the healing arts, a town which fosters rest, relaxation, renewal and rejuvenation, all in a peaceful, quiet...


You know Bill

Try a veggie burger, it’s really good

Editor, Thank you for your wonderful newspaper and for publishing local.   I read recently that a turkey CAFO is being proposed that will impact Dry...

Another Opinion

God gave us WHAT??? We hear some wacky things in election years, but Sarah Sanders got my attention with a recent mailing. She pledged to...

Adopting horses

Editor, I just got a call from some loving people in South Dakota. Evidently, our compassionate federal government let 800+ horses starve and were going...

Q is back (and we know him)

Ah, yes, Q. That irascible character described on his official web page as “impudent, self-superior and sometimes malevolent,” having appeared among us “to tease,...