What’s the hurry?

Editor, That was quick! We put a request together and had the neighbors sign it and we now have two speed bumps on East Mountain...


Buyer's Remorse

Independent Guestatorial: Who’ll stop the rain?

“Long as I remember the rain been comin’ down Clouds of myst’ry pourin’ confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages tryin’ to find the...

Hillary supporters at Brews

Editor, Hi, I am Mark Eastburn with the Eureka Springs chapter of Hillary for America. You may have already received a call or text from one...

Vote your best interests

Editor, I think most agree that this election season has been very strange. Never has the process produced two candidates both polled as net unfavorable....

Helping one day at a time

Editor, Sometime in early March I decided to help a young man I met at St. James Sunday Suppers. He needed shoes, but that was...

But it’s not illegal

Editor, I remember when I was about 15 sneaking out with my girlfriend and climbing to the roof of an old barn on their farm...

Curious fundraising

Editor, I am visiting relatives in Eureka Springs. Recently I saw an article about a fundraising event for the domestic abuse shelter, the Purple Flower...


Bennett's Mill

Independent Guestatorial: Ethic of Sustainability

A thing is right when it tends to enhance the quality and integrity of both human and non-human life on earth by means that...