Joyce Kilmer would agree

Editor, In response to Richard Waxenfelter’s letter about trees, all I can say is “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as...

Breaking ties with the Internet

Well, it done happened again – we broke the Internet. Before we got done griping about the heat wave, a thunder-boomer hit our place...

Don’t forget delusive and shallow

Editor, In a troubled time, language sometimes offers the consolation of an almost prescient accuracy, as in the word “trumpery.” Derived from a French word...



Voting is necessary

Editor, The Mueller testimony once again shows how Democrats are interested in protecting our democracy and Republicans are interested in protecting their party. Most certainly...

Wheels, cogs, Vespas, wagons, floats – art from the heart

Editor, Thanks to all who came out for this year’s Artrageous Parade with special thanks to the CAPC, who understood the importance of carrying on...

A year that will live in infamy?

Those of us who understand the existential threat posed by climate change have been waiting for the “Pearl Harbor moment” that galvanizes people and...

Will Hillary oppose the pipeline?

Editor, I am voting for Hillary Clinton for president because I think she is capable, intelligent, compassionate and a feminist; however, she has not yet...



