What to do?
It’s 5:30 a.m., and I can’t get back to sleep. We’re 3 weeks into a US presidency for which I’m stuck. My fellow citizens,...
Independent Guestatorial: Is the Diamond Pipeline legal?
“Young man, let me remind you that this is a court of law and not a court of justice.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr....
A bit of history torn down
A century old home on Singleton was torn down this morning without even a whimper. It was sad, really, that nothing was done to try...
Oppose division
Donald Trump was made president by the Electoral College while a majority of voters opposed his election. In the first few days of office...
Strong women are a force
While we have fixated on Trump’s tweets, and Kellyann Conway’s lies… I mean alternative facts… right here in Arkansas we have a constitutional crisis...
Need a president not a ‘ruler’
For those of you who are not scared s...... of his budding Fascism, you are not paying attention to His agenda, His appointees, his...
What I saw and heard
I notice when drivers make the roads less safe and occasionally I will stop and tell them that someone does care. On Wednesday, February...
Excellence in ESPD
On behalf of the Marguerite L. McClung family, I thank Chief Thomas Achord and the Eureka Springs Police Dept. for their assistance during the...
Independent Guestatorial: Snake Oil
You, sir, are the scion of an ancestral procession of idiots stretching back to the Missing Link. Mark Twain’s letter to a snake oil...
Refugee Ban