Do math plants have square roots?

Editor, The plants offered now at Eureka Springs High School FFA program are amazing! They are some of the healthiest plants I have ever purchased,...



Candidate should take a stance

Editor, A Republican staffer from Trump’s Commerce Department was arrested on child/infant sex abuse and pornography today (April 8, 2022.)  Over the past 10 years many...

Magical people in a magical city

Editor, After a two-year hiatus, Out In Eureka was able to host a successful Diversity Weekend. I thank the City of Eureka Springs for the funding to...



A Fresh Opinion

Four former presidents condemn Putin One says ‘nyet’ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last week was met with rebuke from world leaders, past and present. Former American...

A hiking we will go

Editor, On our sunny Sunday afternoon after the thunder sleet storm this week, husband and dog and I headed out for Leatherwood Park for a...

Please accept money

Editor, A couple of days ago my wife and I were going to enjoy a meal at a downtown restaurant, the same we have so...

Dissent is a vital force

Editor, Wolftoon : “My son you have traveled far to learn a simple fact. The pandemic will end when unvaccinated are none, one way or...

Reaping praise

Editor, I want to say that I love Nicky Boyette’s The Dirt column. Especially his latest reference to the full moon looking like a White Hailstone radish....