Strong women are a force

Editor, While we have fixated on Trump’s tweets, and Kellyann Conway’s lies… I mean alternative facts… right here in Arkansas we have a constitutional crisis...

Need a president not a ‘ruler’

Editor, For those of you who are not scared s...... of his budding Fascism, you are not paying attention to His agenda, His appointees, his...

What I saw and heard

Editor, I notice when drivers make the roads less safe and occasionally I will stop and tell them that someone does care. On Wednesday, February...

Excellence in ESPD

Editor, On behalf of the Marguerite L. McClung family, I thank Chief Thomas Achord and the Eureka Springs Police Dept. for their assistance during the...

Independent Guestatorial: Snake Oil

You, sir, are the scion of an ancestral procession of idiots stretching back to the Missing Link. Mark Twain’s letter to a snake oil...


Refugee Ban

He shall remain nameless

Editor, I get no real pleasure in saying “I told you so” about what was going to happen with a Fascist president like he who...

Seek professional help

Editor, I have finally gotten up the courage to write my feelings about Mr. Trump. I am convinced he is mentally deranged. I am not...

Keep pipeline out

Editor, I wish the definition of stonewalling meant building some graceful stonewalls. But it means: Delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing...

Chaos and illegality

Editor, It’s been quite the week for Donald Trump’s new administration. Their first counter-terrorism effort in Yemen resulted in the death of one serviceman and...