HDC says Yes to new residence

Historic District Commission Chair Dee Bright began the Oct. 2 meeting by reminding the public of the commission’s focus: The HDC only decides upon...

Website about wind farm project

Conway, Ark. – Arkansas Ecological Services Field Office has launched a website, fws.gov/project/nimbus-wind-farm-habitat-conservation-plan, to provide information and updates about its role in the Nimbus...

Budgets can take the fun out of money

New Finance Director Ty Reed, and his work on the midyear budget, was the focus of the City Advertising and Promotion Commission on Sept....

CAPC pro-active in community outreach

The City Advertising and Promotion Commission held a regular meeting after a long workshop focused on the budget. Public comments started off the meeting...


At the Sept. 23 city council meeting alderman David Avanzino did not say that because Eureka Springs is a tourist destination, the community has...

Federal ruling heartens fluoridation opponents

The American Dental Association (ADA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have argued for decades that it is necessary to add...

Water district that refuses to fluoridate being fined $500 per week

Only one water district in Arkansas serving more than 5,000 customers has refused to add fluoride to its water system as required by a...

CAPC lawsuit on hold

In the case of Tracy Johnson, et al. vs. Carol Wright, et al., evidence will wait for another day. Attorney Tim Parker is representing...

2-year Entertainment District approved

Fifteen people spoke or wrote public comments at Monday’s Eureka Springs City Council meeting, and all but one was about the permanent Entertainment District...

Effluent leak an emergency

Mayor Butch Berry called an emergency meeting Sept. 18, and read Resolution 872, a disaster proclamation regarding emergency loan funding for wastewater management. Berry...