Visitor Guides available now

The printed 2016 Visitor Guide is available and you can pick up boxes of guides for your business at the Chamber Visitor Center...

Learn the foundations of gardening

Foundation Farm Gardening Classes will run on Thursdays from March. 3 – April 14 from 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. at the Unitarian...

Hazard mitigation plan update

Nicky Boyette Crain Hull provided an update on the Hazard Mitigation Plan to the Planning Commission last Tuesday that he and his wife, Caelli,...

The show is coming to a close

The Secret Season Cinema foreign film festival at the Carnegie Library is coming to a close with the highest-grossing Swedish comedy The 100 Year...

CAPC hires Events Manager

Nicky Boyette City Advertising and Promotion commissioners adjourned last Wednesday’s workshop and convened a special meeting to discuss the position of Special Events Manager, which...

Federal agencies deny karst evidence

By Becky Gillette A 6,500-hog factory in the Buffalo River Watershed is not located in a karst region, marked with springs and underground streams that...

Soccer season starting soon

Grab your cleats and shin guards, the Eureka Springs Soccer Club will hold sign-up days for the 2016 Spring Season on Wednesday, March 2...

Food trucks on the Planning table

by Nicky Boyette Alderman James DeVito addressed the Planning Commission at its Feb. 23 meeting to clarify what city council expected regarding food trucks in...

Lawsuit filed on Historic District Commission Decision

by Becky Gillette Paul Minze, who owns property at 35 Mountain St., has filed a lawsuit against the Eureka Springs Historic District Commission (HDC)...

This Week’s Independent Thinkers

In Longview, Wash., a small city with a lot of unemployment, citizens were offered jobs, tax revenue and economic revival if they would allow...