Building Inspector denied assistance

Added to Monday’s council agenda was discussion of assistance for the building inspector. Alderman David Avanzino said that Jacob Coburn’s workload is a lot...

ES Elementary school in state’s Top 10

At Monday night’s meeting, the Eureka Springs School Board heard about the transition to a new standardized test. Elementary Principal Clare Haozous said the Northwest...

Hunter safety education class offered at school

Eureka Springs School District recently offered an Arkansas Game & Fish Commission hunter safety education course as a part of an introduction to agriculture...

State schools offer hunter safety course

Joe Huggins, Hunter and Boater Education Coordinator for the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, said this past year about 130 Arkansas schools offered hunter...

ESHS Mountain Bike Team takes Third in state

After only three years in existence, the Eureka Springs High School Mountain Bike Team was awarded Third Place Overall at the National Interscholastic Cycling...

Water rights questions go to Quorum Court

About 65 people have signed complaints to the Carroll County Quorum Court (QC) concerning an alleged violation of landowner rights under the Carroll County...

Analyst says QC must protect water rights

Julie Morton, an easement analyst from Crawford County who has worked with opponents of Nimbus, disagrees with an opinion from the deputy county prosecuting...

Returning local suggests wind farm moratorium

Scout Clean Energy’s proposal to build the Nimbus Wind Facility, which would be the first commercial wind facility in Arkansas, has generated excitement on...

Top cop talks shop

Mayor Butch Berry called last week to say he had chosen a new police chief from 19 applicants. “It’s Billy Floyd,” he said. “I had...

HDC gives thumbs up to five requests

The Historic District Commission discussed the possibility of adding a second floor above two downtown businesses. At the Nov. 1 HDC meeting, Latigo Treuer asked...