Pine Mountain and Planning spar on fill dirt

The Planning Commission met July 14 but adjourned quickly after moving the items under old business to the next agenda, for the Aug. 11...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 22

Evoking Our Wisest Choice There is a book call the Labors of Hercules. It depicts a man, Hercules, encountering 12 experiences, lessons and tests under...

Nothing about this is irrelephant

A large family of elephants headed south out of Carroll County last week, bound for their Kalahari home. They traveled with a small herd...

Council seeks a mask ordinance with muscle

Fayetteville and Rogers were discussed at Monday’s city council meeting as both cities have recently adopted a mask ordinance during the Covid-19 pandemic. These...

CAPC assessing an uncertain budget

Budget, events, and staffing were primary discussion topics of the July 8 City Advertising and Promotion workshop. Bobbie Foster, James DeVito, and Greg Moon...

Voting procedures geared toward health

Carroll County Clerk Connie T. Doss is trying to “flatten the curve” to avoid a last-minute rush for absentee ballots for the November election....

Temporary entertainment denial upheld

At the July 13 city council meeting, Nyx Café Restaurant Bar owner Stephen Rodgers appealed Mayor Butch Berry’s denial of his request for a...

School opening scheduled a week later

School Supt. Bryan Pruitt began Monday night’s meeting of the school board with an update on plans to reopen the schools. Pruitt said he had...

The doctor is in again

On Thursday, July 2, Eureka Springs Hospital welcomed Dr. Paul Daidone as its new hospitalist. Staff gathered with Alliance Management members Darrell Parke and...

Parks workshop short, sweet, and to the point

Parks’ July 7 workshop was a quick affair as commissioners discussed reopening city parks and the future of the policy manual. Commissioner Cameron Denoewer...