Parks to send rockets sky high

July 4 was on the mind of Parks commissioners at their May 18 regular meeting. Chair Kevin Ruehle said he had gone to a...

Mask or not?

Lately nothing sets off debate more easily than the issue of face masks. Can we go without, safely and in good conscience? As recently as...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 26-June 1

Mercury’ Retrogrades – a Magical Mystery Tour Mercury begins its three-week retrograde journey Saturday, May 29, and continues in reverse ‘til June 22, moving from...

Virtual hearing Thursday for Elk Ranch bridge replacement

A virtual public meeting will be held by the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) Thursday, May 20, from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on the...

Encroachment compliance questioned

An argument over setbacks took up much of the May 12 meeting of the Planning Commission, and after that lengthy discussion, commissioners postponed action...

How safe are COVID-19 vaccines?

Safety of the new vaccines is an urgent topic, and there’s conflicting information. Some is evidence-based, and some is speculative or based on incomplete...

Transplanted Texans bring ‘big’ with them

Holiday Island has struggled in recent years, especially during the pandemic, to keep a strong commercial district going. But Robert and Andrea Evans, who...

County ironing out pay parity

Carroll County Quorum Court held a special meeting last week to provide raises for jailers to head off the possibility of the jail closing...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 19-25

Signs & Festivals, Eclipses & Retrogrades The last half of May, under mutable Gemini Sun, is busy – two festivals, two retrogrades, a lunar eclipse...

ESH tells council that reimbursements in disarray

Every alderman of City Council was in attendance Monday, May 10, for the regular meeting. Mayor Butch Berry started by announcing that there are...