I love you just the way you are

Dear New Eurekans, We are so fortunate to wake up here in a community that cares for one another. We should embrace our responsibility to...

How does this work?

Editor, Apparently, the WalMart Foundation is donating a project to Lake Leatherwood. It is a new bridge. BTW, this is not about WalMart. It’s about us. The location for...

Putting the community at risk

Editor, Residents of Carroll County continue to be at risk from Covid-19 and its variants. Reluctance to be vaccinated is one reason the virus continues...

Commuting could be easier

Editor, The Infrastructure Bill is now law and Northwest Arkansas could use some of those funds to build a public transportation system. Should the Build...

You all helped this happen

Editor, We thank all of our friends and customers for financial support and prayers during our fight with cancer. Maria had a double mastectomy two...

Are we Victorian or not?

Editor, Will someone please explain to me what the word “Victorian” has to do with the ugly, garish monstrosity called the Rainbow Steps? Where was...

With a little help from our friends

Editor, The food has all been brought in, the shelves at the food bank are filled, and on behalf of all the area Scouts, and...

HDC made the wrong decision

Editor, I was saddened by the negative vote of the Historical District Commission’s October 6 meeting regarding completed renovations on 22 Pine Street. Its front porch...

Pay it forward

Editor, I love that you have letters to the editor though of course I have to read all the great Tweets of the Week first. Local...

Liking Facebook

Editor, Most of the people I know are not unduly influenced by social media — specifically, Facebook. There are many advantages to this way of communication,...