Joyce Kilmer would agree
In response to Richard Waxenfelter’s letter about trees, all I can say is “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as...
Halloween was a huuuge success
Halloween on White Street was a huge success, proving again that Eureka Springs is the place for good old-fashioned family fun. Head counts vary...
Worshipping trees
This past spring I ventured into the Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce to voice an idea.
Going down into town toward the Auditorium, the schedule...
Humanitarianism runs deep
Recent articles by Becky Gillette on locals helping Syrian refugees in Greece, and another on a diplomat working with U.S. AID with people struggling...
Don’t be fooled
Don’t be fooled again, vote No on the 1% sales tax increase. It will damage tourism, our largest industry, especially retail. Don’t believe those...
This City that water built
It is getting late in the game to save the Ozarks from ourselves. We support the sales and use tax that has been proposed by...
Improvements happening, more needed
On Sunday, Kei and I visited Good Shepherd Humane Society to meet with a few folks about implementing a native plant focus there. After...
Arkansas Constitution provides the right to publish
6. Liberty of the press and of speech – Libel. The liberty of the press shall forever remain inviolate. The free communication of...
Apes are peaceful
As a proud member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the letter last week from Jayanthi that mentions Bill Maher’s comments...
‘Bigly’ – yes, a word
But to end on a light and polite note, and to give credit where due, our Donald was right for once, even though wrong...