Do as I say, not as I do

Editor, The Democrats’ latest version of the Evil Red Scare is rolling on unabated by facts and truth. I had to laugh when one official,...

Obama’s retirement plans?

Editor, If Obama attempts to step into the position as head of the United Nations next year, an oil company, a chicken processor and a...

ESPD took good care of volatile situation

Editor, My name is Addison Everett and I am a pastor with the Church of God. I write to offer our praises for the Eureka Springs Police Department.  Our...

Vote No on increase

Editor, I own a large retail business in Eureka Springs. Customers complain daily about the high sales tax we have in town now. Raising the...

Need for the tax

Editor, Once upon a time in a small town, lost in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, there was a sewer plant that was in constant...

ESH care the best

Editor,   I would like to say something about our little hospital in this town. I have lived in Eureka for 29 years and worked locally...

Follow the money

Editor, Haven’t we all had enough of blustering white alpha males trying to control everything – since the American Indians were living happily on the...

Think you’re voting for President?

Editor, No, as it turns out, you’re not. If you vote, you’re actually voting for delegates to the antiquated Electoral College. And guess what? Your...

Debatable sympathy

Editor, I would like to express my deepest sympathy upon the resounding defeat of your candidate, Mr. Donald J. Trump, in the debate between Mr....

Speaking privately

Editor, One of the few benefits of the long, tiresome process by which we choose our next president is that we now all know that...