Theater art alive and swell

Editor, Valerie Damon is a jewel in Eureka Spring's crown! Wow! Willo Mancifoot the Musical was a knockout production. The sets, the costuming, the music – all top...

Curious fundraising

Editor, I am visiting relatives in Eureka Springs. Recently I saw an article about a fundraising event for the domestic abuse shelter, the Purple Flower...

Caring for animals

Editor, This is an open letter to the heartless deplorables who dump their unwanted animals in the country.  You can lie to yourself that these helpless...

Few blues at the Blues

Editor, I hope everyone who loves the Blues, our beloved town of Eureka Springs, and the Arts had as good a weekend as Celest &...

No one is above the law

Editor, It’s true that when you investigate corruption that corrupt people resent it. It seems as well that corrupt people resent it when you investigate...

Protect the water

Thankfully I was not a resident when the water resources of Carroll County were damaged a few years ago. Now, again, there is potential...

Flag days

Editor, Something I have always wondered about is why Eureka Springs doesn’t fly more U.S. flags celebrating Memorial Day, July 4th and Veteran’s Day. The Doughboy...


Editor, I saw lots of drag queens in town … before, during and after the St. Patrick’s Parade. I didn’t see any of them recruiting...

Wheels, cogs, Vespas, wagons, floats – art from the heart

Editor, Thanks to all who came out for this year’s Artrageous Parade with special thanks to the CAPC, who understood the importance of carrying on...

Traffic light a solution, not a problem

Editor, I’ve been a Eurekan for seven years. I have always liked the town and its uniqueness. I don’t pretend to understand politics. I recently attended the...