Common sense is vital
Our nation was founded on the basic principles that, “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable...
Beer as medicine?!
I thank the Eureka Market for offering curbside service. What would we do without those organic items? Also, Hart’s is well stocked. I am...
Is silence golden?
The coronavirus pandemic brought us to our knees by sheltering in our homes for an unknown length of time. We have no other way...
Ordinary flu itself is rampant
While the Mainstream Media continues to hype Covid-19 they’re ignoring this: Centers for Disease Control estimates that so far this season there have been...
Stretching to Texas
Thanks for hanging in there. I look forward to ESI more than The Dallas Morning News. It is an important connection to Eureka for me,...
Strength in Unity
This is not a time to be fearful. It is a time to be smart and informed, so I want to tell the public what Eureka...
Every minute, every hour
Let’s add to our gratitude list... people who we forget are also on the front line along with medical, fire, emergency, police. Those would...
Common cents
Since January, Trump has known a deadly virus was loose on the world. He did nothing but accuse Democrats of creating a hoax, calling...
When it gets too hot
On Sunday, March 15, the Ides of March Peachtree Assisted Living went on lockdown. The move was to address the onset of the coronavirus...
Referees need to eat, too
On February 25-28, the Eureka Springs High School was host to the 2A West Regional Basketball Tournament. I thank all of our volunteers who stepped...