Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 18 – 24

Mercury Retrogrades in Gemini From May 10 to June 3, Mercury, planet of communication, is retrograde at 5 degrees Gemini, sign of gathering and sharing...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 23 – 30

Risa - Easter, the Resurrection Festival for Humanity Wednesday is the Aries Solar Festival (and full moon). It is also a lunar eclipse. Something in...

The Dirt on Nicky

Thank you very much Let’s suppose you are browsing the bean department of the market and the greengrocer hands you free tomatoes plus some cilantro....

The Nature of Eureka

Ashe’s Juniper You’ve probably seen it and didn’t realize that you did. But it’s the time of year when if looking to identify trees, leaves...

Hall Closets

With leap day just around the corner, my two, favorite harbingers of spring here in southern USA are upon us. The absolute onslaught of flowers...


Get out early these days and beat the heat. Stay hydrated while you’re there. This is so important during these sultry days. Most know this...

The Dirt on Nicky

What every garden needs First of all, we should narrow down what “needs” we will discuss. Gardens are different, and so are gardeners. We will...

The Nature of Eureka

Lady’s Slippers It was just over 40 years ago, June 1980, my first year in the Ozarks. I was beginning to make friends with Arkansas...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There isn’t anything you can say about – or to – folks who are doing the happy dance around the dimming embers of American...


I want to tell you a little about the Norfork River located close to Mt. Home, Ark., a five-mile stretch of water that runs...