The Dirt on Nicky

The good, the bad and the comfrey H.E. Kirschner’s thin book Nature’s Healing Grasses contains 71 pages of his observations about a dozen “wayside weeds”...

The Nature of Eureka

Ozark Spring Wildflowers This is most highly anticipated time of the year for wildflower lovers. You’ve experienced the drab of winter browns and greys, and...

The Coffee Table

Legislators in La La Land It was 1968. She was fourteen. She had sex, for the very first time, with her one and only boyfriend. He wore...


St. Patrick’s Day was first celebrated in this country on March 17, 1601 in the Spanish colony of St. Augustine, a city of northeastern...


Loving this weather we are having. So get out, fish, and get some big smiles like Ally Stewart and her husband, Lane, pictured here....

Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 17-23

The New Light of Spring in Multiple Shades of Green When Spring arrives, the astrological community celebrates. The first day of spring is International Astrology Day....

The Dirt on Nicky

Say hello to Mary Washington Eleven years ago, I scattered a packet of Mary Washington asparagus seeds into a round tray of potting mix, and...

The Coffee Table

Patriotism: In the eye of the beholder? When I was a kid, my father taught me what it was to be a patriot: You “fight like...


One sure thing we can say about people is that we are quick to realize our mistakes. For instance, in the late 1400s seafarers found...


Well, another day in paradise. I love living in Eureka Springs Arkansas. With all the outdoor activities among us, it is hard to figure...