Free Parking

"Money Money Money makes the world go round." Monty Python Vladimir Putin is among the richest men in the world, on paper at least. He...

The Coffee Table

Recycled Anger I am sick to death of hearing the myriad ways I can alter my behavior to save the planet—and I am, by some...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week October 4 – 10, 2023

What Will Ye Choose? What are the Choices? We are living under the Sun in Libra, sign of balance and harmony and signifying the...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By any conservative estimate, taxpayers have afforded Republicans $100,000,000 to investigate Hillary and Bill Clinton. No money has been spent to prosecute them because...

The Nature of Eureka

Wanted dead not alive: garlic mustard Aliens are invading, and they are not welcome. On a hike Monday afternoon with Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission botanist,...

Having Reel Fun

Hello there. It’s time for your fishing report for this week. Seems like all guides are booking it up these last few weeks. Fish...

The Coffee Table

Old Farts in the Ring When I was young my father taught me Murphy’s Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.    As I matured, the...

Dropping a Line

What about this weather? One day a south wind and 70°, next day temp drops 20 degrees and we have a north wind. Have...

Dropping a Line

Well, with fishing the weather has a lot to do with just fishing or catching. So here’s a pic from the past. Do you...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 27 – Aug. 2

Leo New Moon, Jupiter Retrogrades & Lammas Thursday is a new moon (Leo) and Jupiter beginning its retrograde phase in Aries. During new moon times,...