The Dirt on Nicky
Purple carrots and a Yokohama honeydew
It’s that special time of year. I turned on my television and there was college basketball everywhere. I noticed...
The Coffee Table
The sticky business of stupid old people
Mother Nature leaps from winter to spring with abandon. Yesterday my car was stuck in the frozen tundra...
The striper bite is back on, according to Hooked On Fishing guide service. Captain Juan took out returning clients Thomas and his uncle, great time like always...
Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 23 – 29
Star Gates of Spring Have Opened
The Star Gates of Spring, of Aries, have opened! Spring has arrived! A great creative spiritual force is now...
The Dirt on Nicky
We could call it Eureka Silverbeet
There is no Hungarian chard or Greek chard. There is a town in County Somerset, England, named Chard, so...
Last night was not too hot, not too cold, it was just right. That might be because someone, somewhere, changed the time on Sunday...
The Coffee Table
Broker Break Down
Some folks hate going to the doctor. Or the dentist. But for me, the most agonizing place to visit is a broker’s office. I...
Another great week of fishing weather!
All I have been hearing about is walleye, walleye here, there, and everywhere. They have been catching them in the...
The Dirt on Nicky
Almost time to plant spinach
Eyepop spent his grownup life as a sailor, but the time came for him to trade in the seven seas...
Ukraine is the largest country in Europe unless you count Russia, which is partly in Europe and partly in Asia. The Russian capital, Moscow,...