Esoteric Astrology as news for week August 31 – Sept. 6

Morning & Evening Planets & Virgo’s Keynotes We have several morning and evening stars that will soon recede out of sight. Venus is our morning...

The Coffee Table

Privilege Happens My daughter, a teacher, was telling me about a former student who lives on a farm, has a day job, and takes college...


Another week and another big fish. Dawn Rinehart and her husband, Paul, had the opportunity to stay at Sugar Ridge Resort and to get...

The Coffee Table

I Hate it When…   I hate it when I start a sentence with “I hate… ” as in “I hate it when Walmart rearranges things,” or, “I hate people who...


When religions are one (or none) and spirituality is top shelf, when disease and fear are non-existent, when humans don’t wear masks or criticize...

Dropping a Line

A few years ago I had a guide trip with three boats that had to cancel the 3rd boat five days prior to fish...

The Dirt on Nicky

Clear the deck! Here we are toward the end of October, and I don’t even need my long sleeve pants on yet! Glorious, but I...


There is a power to prayer. We believe that because so many people have claimed that prayer saved them from death, foreclosure, tornadoes or...

The Nature of Eureka

From tree hugging to therapy If you hear the phrase “forest bathing,” your mind may flash to skinny-dipping at a remote swimming hole in an...

The Dirt on Nicky

“Grandpa, there’s a stick walking up the screen door.” “Don’t worry, Delphine. It’s probably a Diapheromera femorata which, in large numbers can defoliate certain hardwood...