
National treasures are as enchanting and novel as Route 66, moon rocks, the Grand Canyon, Tabor Opera House and The Delta Queen. A national...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Memory bumped into an old Rod McKuen poem last week. I was cleaning out my clothes closet and the lines bridges fall down/and meadows...

Dropping a Line

Happy New Year to you all. About all the catching I’ve heard about these last 2 weeks has been for stripers and trout, so...

Dropping a Line

Well, it seems surface temps are too hot for shad to stay active on the hook again, so we got a bait that will...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I am writing the third volume of the biography of the bookseller John Heartbreak. The title of this book is John Heartbreak’s Coffee is...

Let’s start at the very beginning

During the school year, 1973-1974, I taught at Greenhill in Dallas. Laurie Doctor and I attended my sister Georgie Green’s Alphabetic Phonics course at...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Boss starts running around the old wreck – our house, not me – trilling “The Termite Guy is coming!” That’s my cue to...

The Coffee Table

The Scoop on Poop I’ve pretty consistently had dogs in my home since I was about six. I can hardly imagine living without at least...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Bible insists that we love our neighbors and also commands that we love our enemies. Paradoxically, they are often the same people; and...


Another perk of working here is we have little Leo Alvarado, a one-year-old astrological Leo, look at us as though we’re sources of high...