The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz - Dictionary maker Merriam Webster has named “surreal” as 2016’s Word of the Year because it was the most looked-up word...


It’s almost as if our brains have been Swiss-cheesed because there’s so much information leaking in and out. We got an email last week from...

Free Parking

The jewel in the crown of democracy is free and fair elections. The very heart of majority rule is that everyone is given a...

Dropping a Line

Well, the cold weather has kept most in this past week but I still netted some good shad that hold very well with this...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dear Dan, We know you’re not Dear Abby but the husband and I are at wit’s end and we don’t know where else to turn....

The Dirt on Nicky

“Hi. My name is March, so dust off your garden boots.” “Hey there. I’m your anticipation, and I can feel the gardener motor heating up.” “Bonjour....

The Dirt on Nicky

How to look through a seed catalog Way before Black Fridays, “Feliz Navidad,” or the Pickle Bowl, seed catalogs are arriving in gardeners’ mailboxes. ‘Tis...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

I’m 34 and single. None of my long-term relationships has led to marriage. I’m still meeting and dating women but I’d really hoped to...

The Pursuit of Happiness

My neighbors are having a contest to see how many dead vehicles, mattresses, and tube TVs they can stack inside a 50x100-ft. city lot....


A really neat thing about humans is how we’re all so different but manage to live on this big ball levitating through space like...