
Harvest is what it’s about, cooking the bounty then lazing about and saying, “Excuse me,” the rest of the day. But lots of us...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Our perpetual political wrangling about who’s right or wrong doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. Partisan sides are stuck up to the knees in...

The Nature of Eureka

From tree hugging to therapy If you hear the phrase “forest bathing,” your mind may flash to skinny-dipping at a remote swimming hole in an...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There’s been some noise lately about Civil War monuments. It’s reminded me of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington. I suppose I’ve visited...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Twenty years ago this month Bill Clinton ended “welfare as we know it” and broke up federally managed aid to dependent families by creating...


I must share this story with you. Levi tells us… Let me begin the story by saying that I started out as a non-fisherman. My father...

The Coffee Table

Old Farts in the Ring When I was young my father taught me Murphy’s Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.    As I matured, the...

Free Parking

And the fates lead the willing while they drag the unwilling. Seneca the Younger 65 AD The white patriarchy is crumbling and its grasping at...

American Insights

Our Best Selves It was a warm and cloudy Friday in the nation’s capital. At 11:14 a.m. on June 26, 2015, the president entered the...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There’s been some excited Whoop-dee-doo about the unfurling of a Confederate battle flag at a public school gathering in Green Forest last week. I...