The Dirt on Nicky

Roly-poly   Roly-polies are related to lobsters, and they have pouches like kangaroos. They are not insects, and they scamper faster than you might expect. Though...

The Coffee Table

Plastic Education A few weeks back I made a public statement about removing my “green badge” because I am tired of fighting the unwinnable battle...


Fishing continues to be very good whether you’re on the lake, or the river, farm ponds or creeks.  The smallmouth bass shown here was caught...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 24 – 30, 2024

I Was Wondering  –  What is the Sound of Humanity’s Freedom? And so, the transformative planet Pluto entered Aquarius, sign of humanity itself, of freedom,...

Free Parking

The two young men were terrified. They were in the midst of a hostile crowd and were being pelted with epitaphs, slurs and debris....

The Pursuit of Happiness

I fully appreciate the reality and value of regional culture. By culture, I mean the beliefs, customs, arts, behaviors, and “way of life” of...

Dropping a Line

March 31 a few years back was when we caught our 46 lb. striper that got me started doing the fishing report. Since we...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There is an impressive array of anti-Trump protests happening across the United States. Indivisible communities have sprung from the withered loins of the Clinton...

The Coffee Table

Chicago 8/Tennessee 3 While grappling with last week’s news of the Tennessee Three, I found myself watching The Trial of the Chicago Seven on Netflix for the second time. The...

Free Parking

Give them bread and circuses, the peasants will never revolt. – Juvenal 1st Century Roman Poet Our history is presented to us every day in...