Dropping a Line

Jim and Rhonda Chapman from O’Fallon, Mo., caught them a couple nice striped bass Sunday, which was good fishing with a northeast wind. The...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I’ve been a subscriber to The Catholic Worker for 35 years or so. The subscription cost is 25 cents a year, and it comes...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Lent begins next Wednesday. For Catholics and some Protestants, Lent is a solemn period spent in reflection, repentance, and preparation for the resurrection of...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz - Eric Hoffer was among the most remarkable of Americans born in the 20th Century. Orphaned as a young teenager, and...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I don’t pay too much attention to what people say until I’ve observed how they think and behave. Political candidates – like our own...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I drink at least 8 cups of black coffee a day. That may seem excessive but it ain’t whiskey and that’s the way I...

The Pursuit of Happiness

A friend expresses astonishment and chagrin that someone he knows and apparently likes supports Donald Trump. “How could you,” he said, “support an obvious...

Dropping a Line

What happened to winter? No complaints here. I’m ready to rock and roll on some fish, and it looks like the rest of March...

Free Parking

Donald Trump claimed he would hire only the best people. But what he didn’t say was at what they would excel. Some of those...

Dropping A Line

Hope you all had a happy and safe 4th. We did get out Saturday morning and were putting the boat on the trailer with...