Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 29 – April 4, 2023
Palm Sunday, Out of the Desert & into the City of Peace
Sunday is Palm Sunday, the start of Passion Week. Palm Sunday biblically marks...
The Dirt on Nicky
Thoughts about greenhouses
Back when wearing animal skins was chic (and necessary because we had not invented pants yet), a bunch of us were huddled...
The Coffee Table
It is my practice to wake up slowly most mornings, sipping cafe au lait while perusing the news online. Having an entire periodical contained on...
Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 22 – 28, 2023
Never Again, Completely and Forever More
On Thursday this week, March 23, 2023 (3/23/23), after 14 years in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn), Pluto, the planet...
The Dirt on Nicky
People get ready
This is the last full week of winter, and the forecast calls for a few subzero nights. Spring might arrive wearing a...
The White River below Beaver Lake, also known as Beaver tailwaters, has some of the best fishing around this area right now. As you...
The Coffee Table
Mental Mapping Malfunction
I pushed my cart through Walmart’s produce and dairy sections (where I do most of my shopping), then proceeded to the check-out. I...
Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 15-21, 2023
Spring Equinox, New Moon & International Astrology Day
We are in our last week of Pisces. The two fishes of Pisces, carrying the seeds...
Riverview`s 1st walleye tournament is Saturday, March 11 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and weigh-in at 4:30. Limited to 25 teams, 2 per...
The Guidance of Geezers
There is a lot of talk about the age of people who run for office, and how old is too old. The debate has merit, but a...