The Dirt on Nicky

Gardener has a northeast adventure The gardener left his garden to take care of itself because it was time to visit friends in Connecticut. First...

Dropping a Line

Fishing is fun, catching is better, and peace on the water makes it great. Going to take you for a peaceful ride upriver. As you...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance…

My wife has mentioned sensual massage as one way to spice up our sex life. I don’t know the first thing about massage. I’ve...

The Nature of Eureka

Perilla: A weed to know This time of year, one annual weed starts to dominate the landscape in my backyard, in open woods, and all...

The Coffee Table

Flags, Nudes and Curses My oldest friend, Billie, (oldest because I’ve known her since the 6th grade, not because she’s lived significantly longer than anyone else...


Some knew him as Harry, others knew her as Margo. I was privileged to know them both. Several years ago, when Margo was diagnosed...

The Nature of Eureka

What design of nature or serendipitous evolutionary event could create a flower of such unusual beauty? Best to describe it in religious terms –...


The first Artrageous Parade made its way down Spring Street in 1997, and ever since it’s been an annual tradition that kicks off the...

The Nature of Eureka: Walnut – Juglans nigra

From the stocks of Revolutionary muskets to the rich veneer of the finest Victorian furniture, the American black walnut, Juglans nigra, has been the...


John Rankine - The Art gods blessed us with perfect weather last weekend. The rain stopped just in time for the White Street Studio...