The Dirt on Nicky

All about arugula Umberto the gardener whispered to himself about how loose the soil was, and easy to work. His hands were dirty and his...

The Coffee Table

Glimpsing Disability — Part I While (unadvisedly) playing racquetball for the first time in twenty years, I sprained an ankle. I didn’t actually know I was...


Good day, my fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Please be careful going out into the woods these days. The snakes are getting out and enjoying this...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 26-May 2, 2023

A Fire & Maypole as the Lord of Underworld Goes Underground We are almost midway between spring and summer. The Sun is in Taurus, a...


Hello to all you outdoor lovers, you cannot ask for better weather. I hope everybody is at least getting to get out a couple...

The Coffee Table

I Hate it When…   I hate it when I start a sentence with “I hate… ” as in “I hate it when Walmart rearranges things,” or, “I hate people who...


Hello fishing fans, most of you know that when the dogwood start to bloom, the white bass show up. Here’s a great picture of one...

The Coffee Table

Chicago 8/Tennessee 3 While grappling with last week’s news of the Tennessee Three, I found myself watching The Trial of the Chicago Seven on Netflix for the second time. The...

The Dirt on Nicky

The next thing Before I did the next thing, I got distracted by the third thing, etc., on and on around the Mobius strip of...

The Coffee Table

Disallowing David When visitors enter my home, one of the first things they see is a four-foot-tall nude woman: A painting that hangs in my dining...