Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 23 – 30

Risa - Easter, the Resurrection Festival for Humanity Wednesday is the Aries Solar Festival (and full moon). It is also a lunar eclipse. Something in...

The Nature of Eureka

Witch Hazel – my official Thanksgiving flower I love this time of year when the leaves have let go of their last hope of serving...

Why would Diamond pay?

        “The scorpion killed the frog crossing a river, because it is his nature.”   Exxon says high-pressure pipelines rupture, and crude oil floods land, homes, rivers,...

The Nature of Eureka

Where we walk For the most part, when you step outside and onto a rock surface natural to the Ozarks, you walk on sedimentary rock...

The Pursuit of Happiness

For obvious reasons, I have been re-reading William L. Shirer’s book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Summarily, Hitler is a national...

Free Parking

We Arkansans just got kicked in the teeth by our hero president, Trump. Our state is set to lose almost a half billion dollars...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dan Krotz - Nearly everyone morally judges people who think or act differently than we do. Remember the time you drove over to Rogers,...


Are we on Earth to learn to put up with ourselves? Could we be quieter about it? Yes, I don’t know, but I do believe...


FAYETTEVILLE – Recruiting rankings give me a headache. Maybe that sounds strange coming from someone who works for that invented prospect rankings almost...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Even Republicans are tired of putting lipstick on their Presidential pig. But what’s up with the Arkansas State Democratic Party? They met in Little Rock...