Early Days at Eureka Springs by Nellie Alice Mills, 1949

Miss Melon taught us a song with gestures – “I Want to Be an Angel.” We had a Christmas tree. Each of us children...

Free Parking

Celebrating Easter with the words of Jesus seems appropriate in our little, mostly Christian, community. I grew up singing in church choir and loving...

Dropping a Line

Picked them up at 6.30 a.m., they had their limit by 8.30! Keith Pullins from McKinney, Texas, knew it was a good time for...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz My wife and I bought a new car as a Christmas gift to each other for the next 10 years, or 200,000...

Climate change is escalating. Got a plan?

Seven years ago, I heard a presentation here in Eureka Springs from a 350.org climate change activist. His voice trembled with emotion as he...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 21 – 27, 2023

Summer Begins The Sun in Gemini shifts into Cancer Wednesday, June 21, and summer 2023 begins. Poised at the Tropic of Cancer, the Sun...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

My husband wants to incorporate more role-playing into our sex life. I’m not opposed but it’s difficult for me. I just feel self-conscious and...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 9-16

Messengers, Shavuot (Laws), Flag Day (Art) Risa - We are in the midst of Gemini and Mercury, Gemini’s ruler. Both are messengers. Gemini and Mercury...


Bookshelf cleaning has become a necessary pleasure due to four consecutive days of isolation each week, but I’ll tell you what, books provide a...

The Coffee Table

Dogs Unchained Yesterday morning I was awakened early and, before I could make coffee, was faced with a young but muscular dog attached to my front...