The Dirt on Nicky

Don’t forget flowers It is seed catalog season. I recently spent an evening browsing through a 530-page seed catalog, and even made a long list...


Session 2 of Riverman 2023 school is in the books. I’m not sure if the volunteers or the kids had more fun at this event...


We are so lucky to be in this utopia of the Ozarks. We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy all her glory....

American Insights

The Right to Resist Born at Cape Cod and educated at Harvard, the Reverend Samuel West was a patriot. But above all, he was a...

American Insights

| The Radical Faith Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox on April 9, 1865, they knew, was not the end but the beginning of a...

The Dirt on Nicky

It’s not a wolfberry, it’s . . . The Berry-Naming Subcommittee quickly dispensed with the first three items on the agenda by agreeing on names...


It`s been another great week of fishing in all areas this past week. Bass fishing has been very good, mainly being caught in very shallow waters....


These might not be the days of miracles, but they could be. “Viral overload” started as a complaint about the internet, that technological replacement for...

The Dirt on Nicky

Mullein vs. demons and catarrh My first awareness of mullein (Verbascum thapsus) occurred in southeastern Washington. I lived in the bunkhouse of a Jolly Green...


Well, I had failed attempts of trying to catch me some crappie this week and all I saw on the internet were pictures of...