The Pursuit of Happiness

A young woman in Romania wants to be my special friend and will send me special photographs. A Nigerian attorney informs me that $10,000,000...

The Nature of Eureka: Dogwood Days of April

The dogwood days of April are upon us. Look closely. Those four white “petals” surrounding the flower head are not petals at all, but...

Dropping a Line

What about this weather? One day a south wind and 70°, next day temp drops 20 degrees and we have a north wind. Have...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Gerrymandering is a political maneuver that draws voting district lines based on voting habits of residents rather than on any rational geographic basis. Consequently,...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

My wife and I rarely kiss anymore. She avoids it by saying she has bad breath. She doesn’t and swears I don’t either. I...

Dropping a Line

When I come to the end of the horizon and enter the other shore remember me with fondness and cry for me no more....

Italian Bastard Navelwort

Here in Eureka Springs, we have a very prolific, but seldom recognized little plant, Cymbalaria muralis. It’s common on stonewalls and ancient stone structures...

The Pursuit of Happiness

It is interesting, in the way that a crime spree is interesting, to watch our two major political parties struggle with defining their political...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Dorothy Day, a founder of the Catholic Worker movement and its monthly newspaper, The Catholic Worker, is the subject of a new biography written...

Dropping a Line

Well, it seems this cold weather caused my Sunday striper trip to cancel out and it blew in on my Friday trip here at...