Hall Closets

  After completing what Coach Eric Musselman called his team’s best 80 minutes of SEC ball this year (a heartbreaking six-point loss to the high-scoring...

Free Parking

What a fine kettle of fish. The president of the United States requested help from our arch nemesis to win the presidency; broke our traditional...

The Strange Side of the Tracks by George Avant

Reviewed by CD White It’s unfortunate that George Avant, author of The Strange Side of the Tracks, succumbed to an illness before his book was...

Dropping a Line

Rosetta Ash from Berryville, Ark., had a great day to remember when she caught this one July 31, 1958. After it was cleaned she...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 22 – 28

Midsummer Night’s Dream – wedding between the Heaven & Earth A wedding in the fairy (deva) plant nature kingdom. The devas (fairies, builders of nature)...


FAYETTEVILLE – After a couple of quieter weeks on the football recruiting front, Chad Morris and his staff will welcome a few of their...

The Dirt on Nicky

Parsley – more than a sprig You know how some folks are always bringing up religion? I’m not like that. I’m always talking about parsley....


There is plenty of time left in the year for football and hunting season, so don’t miss your last chance of the year to...

The Coffee Table

Back to the Back of the Bus A couple of years ago, a delightful young man, “Bruce,” and his equally delightful father attended a small...


 Hope everyone is loving this weather. We have more nice days to come in the next two weeks. Some of the high temps are...